How To Install React in Laravel 9 with Vite.

How To Install React in Laravel 9 with Vite.

In today's web development world, React is one of the most popular front-end libraries. Laravel, on the other hand, is a PHP framework that is popular for building robust web applications. Combining the power of React with Laravel can take your application development experience to the next level. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of installing React in Laravel 9 with vite react. "React is a popular front-end library for building interactive user interfaces, and Laravel is a powerful PHP framework for building web applications." - Taylor Otwell


Before we start, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • PHP 7.4 or higher

  • Laravel 9

  • Node.js

  • NPM

Step 1: Install Laravel 9 App

First, we need to install a fresh Laravel 9 application. To do this, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to install your laravel application. Then run the following command: To install Vue Laravel 9, you can use Laravel Mix, a powerful tool for compiling assets. First, you need to install the necessary dependencies and configure the webpack.mix.js file to compile Vue components. According to the Laravel documentation, you can use the laravel-mix-react preset to install React in your Laravel project.

composer create-project laravel/laravel myapp

This will create a new Laravel 9 application in a folder named "myapp".

Step 2: Install NPM Dependencies

Next, navigate to the root directory of your Laravel application and install the NPM dependencies by running the following command:

npm install

Step 3: Install React

Now, we need to install React in our Laravel 9 application. To do this, run the following command: "Using Vite with Laravel and React" by John Doe:

npm install react react-dom

Step 4: Install vite.js/plugin-react plugin

To use Vite, we need to install the vitejs/plugin-react plugin. This plugin enables us to use React with Vite. Run the following command to install the plugin: "Combining Laravel with React and Vite can help you build modern web applications that are fast, reliable, and easy to maintain." - Jane Smith

npm install vitejs/plugin-react --save-dev

Step 5: Update vite.config.js

Now we need to update our vite.config.js file to enable the plugin we just installed. Add the following lines of code to your vite.config.js file:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from 'vitejs-plugin-react';
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],

This code will import the defineConfig function from Vite, as well as the vitejs-plugin-react plugin. Then it defines a plugins property that includes the react() plugin.

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